Computer Knowledge

Q.1. CAD/CAM is-
(1) Operating System (2) Type of Virus usually Trojan (3) Computer Basic parts 
(4) Program (5) Utility
Q.2. Overclocking is done to-
(1) Hard Disk (2) Processor (3) OS (4) Programs (5) System clock
Q.3. While Buying PC Check FSB Speed. FSB Speed is word associated with ?
(1) Hard Disk (2) Motherboard (3) RAM (4) Fan Speed (5) CPU
Q.4. Hyper-threading (HT) is related to-
(1) Processor (2) RAM (3) Mother Board (4) Hard Disk (5) ROM
Q.5. IDE (ATA) or SATA interface connect Mother Board with-
(1) Processor (2) RAM (3) Monitor (4) USB (5) Hard Disk
Q.6. USB is a type of-
(1) Processor (2) Port (3) Monitor (4) Program (5) Media file
Q.7. What menu is selected for printing?
(1) Edit (2) Special (3) File (4) Tools (5) Insert
Q.8. The name a user assigns to file is called-
(1) File name (2) Program (3) Record (4) Data (5) Document
Q.9. To access properties of an object ,we use mouse to-
(1) Left Click (2) Right Click (3) Drag (4) Drop (5) Both 1 and 2
Q.10. To access a Main Frame Computer Users normally use-
(1) Terminal (2) PC (3) Laptop (4) Keyboard (5) POS
Q.1.(4) Q.2.(2) Q.3.(2) Q.4.(1) Q.5.(5) Q.6.(2) Q.7.(3) Q.8.(1) Q.9.(2) Q.10.(1)

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