Q.1 When was Lead Bank Scheme introduced?
02. 1968
03. 1969
04. 1974
05. None of these
Q.2 Who acts as the banker to the Government of India?
01. State Bank of India
02. Reserve Bank of India
04. Nationalized Banks
05. None of these
Q.3 The first development financial institution in India that has got merged with a bank is-
01. HDFC
02. IDBI
04. IDFC
05. UTI
Q.4 Gilt edged securities refers to-
01. Government Securities
02. Securities issued by municipal corporations
03. Securities issued by first class companies
04. All of these
05. None of these
Q.5 SEBI was established in —————.
01. 1988
02. 1985
03. 1991
04. 1990
05. None of these
Q.6 RBI started functioning from —————.
01. 01-04-1935
02. 01-04-1948
03. 01-04-1882
04. 01-04-1945
05. None of these
Q.7 The National income is more at current prices than at constant price because -
01. increase in price is equal to increase in production
02. increase in price is more than production
03. increase in production is more than increase in price
04. of decrease in production only
05. None of these
Q.8 The income tax in India is -
01. indirect and progressive
02. direct and proportional
03. direct and progressive
04. indirect and proportional
05. None of these
Q.9 The committee related to financial inclusion was headed by….....
01. Chakravorthy
02. C. Rangarajan
03. Y. V. Reddy
04. Narayan Swami
05. None of these
Q.10 ..................... are short term deposits of specific maturity similar to fixed deposits.
01. Commercial paper
02. Interbank participation certificate
03. Repo
04. Certificate of deposit
05. None of these
Q.1. (3)
Q.2. (2)
Q.3. (3)
Q.4. (1)
Q.5. (1)
Q.6. (1)
Q.7. (2)
Q.8. (3)
Q.9. (2)
Q.10. (4)
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