Reasoning Ability


Q.1-6.Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

J, K, L, M, N, O, P and R are sitting in a straight line facing north. Each of them was born in different years - 1971, 1975, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1984, 1985 and 1990 but not necessarily in the same order. 

M is sitting second to the right of K. L is sitting third to the right of J. L and J are born before 1980. The person who born in 1984 is sitting exactly between J and K. N who is the eldest is not an immediate neighbour of J and M. R is older than only M .R is sitting second to the left of P.P is not an immediate neighbour of N. J is younger than L. K was born before O who is not an immediate neighbour of N.

Q.1. Who is the second smallest among the group?

(1) J (2) K (3) N (4) M (5) None of these

Q.2. In which year was O born?

(1) 1980 (2) 1981 (3) 1984 (4) 1990 (5) None of these

Q.3. Who is sitting second to the right of N?

(1) The one who born in 1975 (2) K (3) The one who born in 1979 

(4) R (5) O

Q.4. How many people are born before K and L ?

(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) None of these

Q.5. If all the people are asked to sit in alphabetical order starting from J from right to left, the position of how many will remain unchanged? 

(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) None of these

Q.6. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group ?

(1) NP (2) RK (3) JL (4) PO (5) KO

Q.7-10. In each of the following questions a statement is given followed by three courses of action. A courses of action is taken for improvement, follow up etc. Read the statement carefully and give answer -

(1) If I and II course of action follow 

(2) If II and III course of action follow

(3) Either course of action I or II follow 

(4) Either course of action II or III follow

(5) All course of action I,II and III not follow

Q.7. Statement: Other than Cricket, our sportsmen have played badly in international events.

Course of Action:

I. All sportsmen (except those associated with Cricket) should be stopped from getting any incentives.

II. Special promotion drive should be made to encourage sportsman.

III. International coaching and technology should be made available to our sportsmen.

Q.8. Statement: There have been incessant rains in the north-eastern parts of our country. Chances of heavy floods are not being ruled out.

Course of Action:

I. The Army should be given a notice to be on the alert.

II. Precautionary measures should be taken.

III. North-Eastern parts of our country should be disconnected from the rest of India.

Q.9. Statement: Indonesia space research is valuable not only because of its importance in defence and communication but also because it has value as a potential forex earner too.

Course of Action: 

I. Indonesia should step up its space research programme.

II. Indonesia should explore the commercial possibilities of its space research programme.

III. The defence aspect of Indonesia space research should be given secondary treatment.

Q.10. Statement: India has been facing the problem of child labour despite several legislations.

Course of Action:

I. India should treat child labour as a trivial issue.

II. Child labour should be declared a civil offence.

III. Children indulging in such activities should be punished.


Q.1.(5) R

Q.2.(2) 1981





Q.7.(2) I is an extreme action. II and III are better because they are more likely to improve the situation.

Q.8.(1) Precautions must be taken in case of chances of a crisis hence, I and II follow but III is an extreme action.


Q.10.(5) I is not followed because it talks of escaping from a problem. II is not appropriate civil offence means that we are making it lighter because presently it is a criminal offence. III does not follow because to stop child labour we must stop and punish those who employ children. To punish the innocent children themselves would be inhuman.

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