1. If T > K and L <= D are definitely true, what will come in place of blank spaces in the given expression?
R = K _E <= L _ T_G <= D
A. <, =, <=
B. >, =, <=
C. >=, =, <=
D. >=, =, <=
E. None of these
R = K _E <= L _ T_G <= D
A. <, =, <=
B. >, =, <=
C. >=, =, <=
D. >=, =, <=
E. None of these
A. S > H
B. N =< E
C. T > E
D. H < N
E. S > N
3. Which of the following symbols should replace the question mark (?) in the given expression to make the expression R <= E true and U > R false?
O < I > N < R __ U __ E
A. <, =
B. <=, =
C. >, =
D. =, >
E. None of these
O < I > N < R __ U __ E
A. <, =
B. <=, =
C. >, =
D. =, >
E. None of these
Direction (Q. 4-6): Read the given information carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Independence Day is considered as a day of rejoicing. Thousands of heroes of independence struggle made the supreme sacrifice of their lives so that we can enjoy freedom. But see how we have misused the hard-won freedom over the last 67 years – exactly in the same way the racist representatives of the British, Winston Churchill, predicted before India wrested independence from the British. Independence Day and Republic Day do not kindle patriotic fervour in a large section of our society any longer. They have only been non-working days where people sit back at home and enjoy with their families. They produce only total revulsion for our corrupt political class, selfserving
bureaucracy, greedy business empires and the completely undisciplined people. The gullible people of the country have been taken for a ride by the promises made by their leaders all these years while they have been bleeding the nation white in scam after scam. To millions of patriotic Indians Independence day will remain a sad day until all these parasites are totally annihilated.
bureaucracy, greedy business empires and the completely undisciplined people. The gullible people of the country have been taken for a ride by the promises made by their leaders all these years while they have been bleeding the nation white in scam after scam. To millions of patriotic Indians Independence day will remain a sad day until all these parasites are totally annihilated.
4. Which of the following assumptions is implicit in the above passage?
A. People of India lack in nationalism.
B. Increasing corruption in India has ended the patriotic feelings among the Indians.
C. Bureaucracy is the hurdle in national integrity.
D. The freedom movement of India was not public; it was confined to only a few individuals.
E. None of these
A. People of India lack in nationalism.
B. Increasing corruption in India has ended the patriotic feelings among the Indians.
C. Bureaucracy is the hurdle in national integrity.
D. The freedom movement of India was not public; it was confined to only a few individuals.
E. None of these
5. Which of the following will be the effect of lack of patriotism in India?
I. Communal harmony will be disturbed in the country.
II. Caste system will be promoted.
III. Terrorism activities will increase in the country.
IV. The economy of the country will be affected
A. Only I
B. Only I and II
C. Only III
D. Only III and IV
E. Only I, II and IV
I. Communal harmony will be disturbed in the country.
II. Caste system will be promoted.
III. Terrorism activities will increase in the country.
IV. The economy of the country will be affected
A. Only I
B. Only I and II
C. Only III
D. Only III and IV
E. Only I, II and IV
6. Which of the following statements are in line with the above passage?
A. The independence of India was very hard-earned.
B. People of India are not respecting the hard-earned freedom of India.
C. Increasing corruption in India is creating anger among the people.
D. Independence day is just like a public holiday where people sit at home and enjoy.
E. All of these
A. The independence of India was very hard-earned.
B. People of India are not respecting the hard-earned freedom of India.
C. Increasing corruption in India is creating anger among the people.
D. Independence day is just like a public holiday where people sit at home and enjoy.
E. All of these
Direction (Q. 7-8): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Problems of illiteracy, malnutrition, anaemia, vitamin and iodine deficiency, and school drop outs are very common among children in India. In 2001 the Supreme Court of India ruled that state governments must provide MidDay-Meal (MDM) to children of government-assisted primary schools. The 2007-08 Budget of the Central Government allocated about `73 billion for the MDM
scheme. Therefore, it becomes imperative that a comprehensive evaluation of the programme be undertaken to judge its efficiency. Increasing corruption and lack of proper management has made the Mid-Day-Meal just the promise written in the election manifestos of political parties. The recent incident of the programme in Bihar has made the condition worse. It has been more than five years
since the MDM scheme was launched but the condition has not yet changed and the problems remain the same.
Problems of illiteracy, malnutrition, anaemia, vitamin and iodine deficiency, and school drop outs are very common among children in India. In 2001 the Supreme Court of India ruled that state governments must provide MidDay-Meal (MDM) to children of government-assisted primary schools. The 2007-08 Budget of the Central Government allocated about `73 billion for the MDM
scheme. Therefore, it becomes imperative that a comprehensive evaluation of the programme be undertaken to judge its efficiency. Increasing corruption and lack of proper management has made the Mid-Day-Meal just the promise written in the election manifestos of political parties. The recent incident of the programme in Bihar has made the condition worse. It has been more than five years
since the MDM scheme was launched but the condition has not yet changed and the problems remain the same.
7. Which of the following is the main reason behind the failure of the Mid-day-meal scheme?
A. Very small quantity of food is provided, which is not able to fulfil the deficiency.
B. Increasing corruption, due to which good quality of food is not provided to the children.
C. Mid-day meal provides the food but proper nutritious food is not being given to the children.
D. Increasing health problem due to mid-day meal
E. All of these
A. Very small quantity of food is provided, which is not able to fulfil the deficiency.
B. Increasing corruption, due to which good quality of food is not provided to the children.
C. Mid-day meal provides the food but proper nutritious food is not being given to the children.
D. Increasing health problem due to mid-day meal
E. All of these
8. What course of action should the government take to fulfil the deficiency and make the mid-day meal a successful programme?
I. The government should take steps to provide at least specific calories and proteins to the children.
II. Inspection of food should be done before providing it to children.
III. Strict action should be taken in case of violation.
IV. The government should work upon to provide more delicious food to the children.
A. Only I
B. Only II and IV
C. Only I, II and III
D. Only II and III
E. Only III
I. The government should take steps to provide at least specific calories and proteins to the children.
II. Inspection of food should be done before providing it to children.
III. Strict action should be taken in case of violation.
IV. The government should work upon to provide more delicious food to the children.
A. Only I
B. Only II and IV
C. Only I, II and III
D. Only II and III
E. Only III
9. Which of the following assumptions is/are implicit in the above passage?
I. Mid-day meal nowadays has become the weapon of political parties before the elections.
II. Mid-day meal should be given to private organisations by the government.
III. Continuous audits should be done in order to check the effectiveness of the programme.
IV. The programme of Mid-Day Meal should be stopped by the government.
A. Only I
B. Only I and II
C. Only I and III
D. Only I, II and III
E. All of these
I. Mid-day meal nowadays has become the weapon of political parties before the elections.
II. Mid-day meal should be given to private organisations by the government.
III. Continuous audits should be done in order to check the effectiveness of the programme.
IV. The programme of Mid-Day Meal should be stopped by the government.
A. Only I
B. Only I and II
C. Only I and III
D. Only I, II and III
E. All of these
10. The city-based English medium schools, which always look for excuses to deny admission to poor candidates, have now started turning down poor parents, appeal citing the government’s indifferences towards below poverty line (BPL) students. The schools say the government is reluctant to provide financial aid to the institutions for the admission of poor students.
Which of the following assumptions is/are implicit in the above passage?
A. The English medium schools do not want the poor children to study in these schools.
B. The schools think that the poor students are going to create unhealthy atmosphere in the schools.
C. The government is not providing financial aid to the institutions to support poor children.
D. The schools want children of only super rich parents.
E. All of these
A. The English medium schools do not want the poor children to study in these schools.
B. The schools think that the poor students are going to create unhealthy atmosphere in the schools.
C. The government is not providing financial aid to the institutions to support poor children.
D. The schools want children of only super rich parents.
E. All of these
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