1) P >= N
2) M >= A
3) A < M
4) C <= B
5) None of these
2. Which of the following symbols should replace the question mark (?) in the given expression in order to make the expressions P > C as will as X > F definitely true?
X >= B = P ? D = F > C >= L
1) <
2) <=
3) >
4) Either < or =
5) None of these
3. Which of the following symbol should
be placed in the blank spaces respectively (in the same order from left
to right) in order to complete the given expression in such a manner
that makes the expression R > E definitely true and B >= E
definitely false-
P _ R _ O _ B _ L _ E _ M
1) >, < , >=, >=, >= , <
2) >, = <, >=, >=, <
3) >, >, >=, >=, =, <
4) >=, >=, >=, >, >=, <
5) None of these
4. Which of the following expression will be true if the expression A = E <= B < C <= N = T is definitely true?
1) C >= A
2) B < T
3) B <= T
4) E <= N
5) Either 2) or 3)
5. Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank
spaces respectively (in the same order from left to right) in order to
complete the given expression in such a manner that makes the expression
U <= T & O >= M definitely false?
M _ O _ U _ N _ T
1) <=,=,<=,<=
2) <=, =, =, <=
3) <, =, <=, <
4) <=, >, <=, =
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following information and answer the following questions:
There are 7 bidder- P, Q, R, S, T, U
and W - in a Auction. Each of them has a different favourite things,
viz. Painting, Book, Furniture, Music Instrument, Chandelier, Idols and
carpets. Each of the bidder bids different price for his favourite
thing. R has bids second highest bid and neither Painting nor
Music-instrument is his favourite thing. T bids the least price and
neither Idol nor Book is his favourite thing. The favourite thing of S
is furniture and he bids more price than the price of Q and W but less
than the price of P. The favourite thing of Q is Chandelier and his
price is more then the price of T but less than the price of W. The
favourite thing of P is carpet and he has not bid the highest price. The
bidder whose favourite thing is Music instrument bet the highest price.
The favourite thing of R is not book.
6. Which is the favourite thing of T?
1) Book
2) Painting
3) Chandelier
4) Data inadequate
5) None of these
7. Who bid second lowest price?
1) W
2) S
3) R
4) U
5) None of these
8. Music Instrument is the favourite thing of-
1) R
2) P
3) W
4) U
5) None of these
9. What is the favourite thing of W?
1) Book
2) Idols
3) Furniture
4) Either Book or Idol
5) None of these
10. When all the seven bidders are arranged according to their price in the favourite thing in which position is P from top?
1) First
2) fourth
3) Third
4) Data inadequate
5) None of these
1. 3
Given expression; A < C <= R = M <= P > B < N
We can’t compare P and N and C and B. Hence option 1 & 4 do not follow. But A ? M or M ? A is not true.
Hence, option 2 do not follow
Now, again A < M is true. Hence option 3 is true.
2. 3
We put ‘>’ in place question mark (?) in the given expression.
We have
x >= B = P > D = F > C ? L
Thus, P > C and X > F are definitely true.
3. 4
Check the option one by one
1) P > R < O >= B >= L >= E < M
This leads to B >= E. Hence, does not follow
2) P > R = O < B >= L >= E < M
This leads to B >= E. Hence, does not follow
3) P > R > O >= B >= L = E < M
Thus R and E can’t be compared. Hence does not follow
4) P >= R >= O >= B > L >= E < M
Thus, R > E is definitely true. B > E so, B >= E is definitely false.
4. 2
Given exspression: A = E <= B < C <= N = T
Thus C < A, Hence C ? A is not true.
Now, B < T holds true. Hence, option (2) is true. But B
<= T is not. Hence, option 3 is not true.
Now, again E < N. Hence, option 4 is not true.
5. 3
Option 1) M <= O = U <= N <= T
So, U <= T and O >= M is true.
Option 2) M <= O = U = N <= T
So, O <= M and U <= T is true
Option 3) M < O = U <= N < T
So, M < O is true. It means O >= M is not true.
Again T > U is True, U <= T is not True
Option 4) M <= O > U <= N = T
So, M < O or O < M is true. Again U <= T is true.
6. 2
7. 5
8. 4
9. 1
10. 3
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